dimanche 27 avril 2014

27/04 Sword Museum, Yoyogi park Harajuku and shibuya at night

Today we had a full day even if he started a bbit late... hihi we fell asleep and only woke up at like 11h or something

Still we manage to see a lot!

First we went a little outiside the busyt part of tokyo and visited a small but very nice sword museum!

THe blades were soo beautiful! and old too since they are original blades made in the Edo period. Too bad that pictures were not allowed inside.

Afterwards we went to Harajuku and Yoyogi (in Harajuku) and we saw a Gay Pride Parade! lol

totally unexpected but good music!

And believe me the pancakes are as good as they look! lol

Well we had fun in Harajuku the clothes are fabulous and a little crazy! and specially overpriced!
T.T too bad I really wanted a hoody with cat ears

After that we went to Shibuya went home and played some baseball. Well we didn't actually play the game you are just in a batting cage and a machine trows some balls at you. Still it's fun!



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